Saturday, August 31, 2013

Education is not cheap! And it is worth planning for it

How much do I need to start saving for college education?

It is important to consider what kind of career you may want your child to pursue in life in order to look into what it would cost achieve that goal.

Education is not cheap if you don’t know how much you need to start saving I can help you plan accordingly.

Give me a call for a FREE evaluation,

Jesse Alvarado

Friday, August 30, 2013

Do you have a saving plan?

It is important to have a saving plan and also a plan on how you can maximize your savings ability on any purchase you make.

Give me a call to discuss further about these saving plans,

Jesse Alvarado

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do this now, for your children best financial and educational outcome.

When do I need to begin saving for college?

It is important to start saving as soon as your children are born, that way you have an early start on their college education savings.

If you are not saving already call me I can show you how you can get started.

Jesse Alvarado

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A litttle savings now means a lot later...

How much should you be saving?

It is important that you pay yourself first from every pay check that you get. If you save 10% or more for your retirement, you have the opportunity to one day retire and be financial independent.

Call me to give you more information and set a savings plan for your retirement,

Yes, call me right now,

Jesse Alvarado

Monday, August 26, 2013

Learn the habit of saving money.

Are You Saving Money?

If you are not, it is critical that you start building the habit of saving money; there are many areas where you can save money.

Give me a call, I can help you with a FREE financial analysis of your situation as it is right now just to get you started in the right path.

Don't postpone it, call me right now,

Jesse Alvarado

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The value of an education for your children should never be ignored.

What is a college saving Plan?

It is a specific saving plan where you start saving money for your child college education.

Call me now to set up one for your children. It won't be long before that little beautiful baby of yours ask you in your face: "I'm ready for college, how can I get in that or this college?..."

What are YOU going to do?  The answer is simple, what you are going to do is set up something right now, not later. You are going to call me and we will set up a college savings plan for your children right now!

Yes, call me right now; do not postpone it,

Jesse Alvarado

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Financial Independence Number? What is that?

Are you saving for your retirement?

If you are not it is critical that you do start saving. It is important to know what is your financial independence number; that is, how much money you need to have saved by the time you retire to then live the rest of your life with financial freedom. If you don’t know what that number is I can help you find out.

Give me a call,

Jesse Alvarado

Friday, August 23, 2013

A never pay taxes plan...don't miss it!

Does TAX FREE savings sound good to you?
How would you like to have a savings plan that at age 65 when you retire you don’t pay taxes on the gains. Not one cent!

Call me right now to discuss it and implement it for your retirement,

Jesse Alvarado

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Simple financial question, and the answer is simple too!

Do you value your life and your family's future?

If you do, I can show you how you can protect your family's future by having the right life insurance protection.

Call me today,

Jesse Alvarado

Monday, August 19, 2013

Don't delay starting your Retirement plan one more minute.

Are you over 50 and still have not started a retirement plan?

Perhaps the biggest problem in starting a retirement plan later in life is the loss of a prior significant period of time over which earlier investments could have compounded and grown. At a 5% rate, an investment doubles in 15 years; at 4%, in 18 years.

But even if you're in your 50s, you can still take advantage of the magic of compounded returns. That's because your retirement is likely to run upwards of 20 years. That's a long-enough period for investments you put away today to bear fruit.

Give me a call for a FREE evaluation of your financial situation and to start your retirement plan now.

Jesse Alvarado

Sunday, August 18, 2013

If I'm Retired, Do I Need Life Insurance?

Or: Do I need Life Insurance if I'm still working in Retirement?

Many Americans continue to work during the traditional retirement years. Life insurance can protect your family from the loss of your income when you die.

"Whether life insurance makes sense or not for retirees depends on how much earned income would be lost due to the death of the retiree," says Hanming Fang, an economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania. "If the retiree does not have any earned income, then there is no real need for life insurance. If the retiree's death may lead to significant loss of income, then there may still be a need for life insurance even in retirement."

For more information about Life Insurance and for a FREE financial evaluation give me a call,

Jesse Alvarado

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Who doesn't need more money for Retirement?

Can Your Retirement Income Be For Life? 

Those on the cusp of retirement and those already living in retirement need to look beyond their traditional mix of stocks and bonds to building a portfolio that consists of all their sources of capital.
What's more, they may need to incorporate some of those not-so-well-understood products, such as longevity insurance or single-premium immediate annuities or variable annuities with guarantees, into their portfolios. Or at least, they should if they want to be prudent.

The concept of constructing a portfolio designed to accomplish multiple goals, including not outliving your assets, is a reality.

Give me a call, and let's discuss your very own financial reality.

This is a FREE financial evaluation you do not want to miss,

Jesse Alvarado

Friday, August 16, 2013

Are you aware of this simple and powerful financial solution?

What does Life Insurance does?

Investing in a life insurance policy is an effective way to continue to provide for your family’s safety and stability in the event that something tragic happens to you.

Term life might be the cheapest insurance, but keep in mind that it does expire. The lower price is the main benefit of term life insurance over a traditional policy. Keep in mind that traditional life insurance policies are permanent financial assets, and can be used as something you could borrow against. On the other hand, your term life insurance will vanish the moment you stop making payments.

Obtaining sufficient coverage when buying life insurance is something you should be certain to do. You will need your insurance policy to cover debts like your mortgage and any personal loans, as well as cover school fees for all of your children.

Taking care of your loved ones is the most important thing you can do. Good life insurance will ensure that they are well cared for after you have passed away. You should be informed and apprised of important information that will help you keep your loved ones covered for less.

Give me a call to do what is right for your family, and obtain a sense of security in knowing that they will be provided for.

Don't delayed this call anymore,

Jesse Alvarado

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Make sure once you retire that you can make those years the best ever.

Living according to a personal retirement plan.

Whether you want to explore things you have never done before or take it easy, having some idea of how your retired life will look before you quit your job is a great way to focus on the things that can maximize your retirement happiness.

Think about what activities, hobbies and events will make up your days, who you will choose to spend your time with and develop a plan to maintain good physical and mental health.

Give me a call for a FREE evaluation to set up a retirement plan specifically for you.

Don't postpone this call,

Jesse Alvarado

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If this benefit is not there, do not lose time and money with a 401(k)

And what if your employer doesn't match contributions

One of the greatest benefits of a 401(k) comes from employer matches on contributions. If you're lucky, your company will agree to match your contributions up to a certain amount. You should almost always meet the company match. It's basically free money. Whether you contribute beyond the match is a decision you'll want to make taking into consideration your other investing options.

Unfortunately, many employers that offer a 401(k) plan don't match contributions. In that case, there are often better investment strategies. Since the money you contribute to your 401(k) will be taxed later in life and often has limited investment options, you may want to opt for alternative retirement plans.

Give me a call for a FREE evaluation of your financial situation and to share with you better retirement plan alternatives if you find yourself in a situation as explained in the previous paragraph.

Don't postpone it, call me right now,

Jesse Alvarado

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let's clarify how is your financial life, how is your retirement plan set.

Where are you in your financial life?

The number one reason, most people late in their life desperately look for financial advisors, has been to get help planning for their retirement. Also, pension funds and company 401(k) contribution match programs have been disappearing to compound the problem. And under current laws, funding for Social Security could run out in 25 years--just as many of us are approaching retirement age.

The fact is: We are more responsible now than at any time in the last century for funding our financial futures. And yet, nearly half of Americans say they aren’t contributing to any retirement plan.

In the meantime, consumer debt keeps rising--as do the prices we’re paying for just about everything. Is it any wonder that so many people are pushing off retirement?

Give me a call and let's clarify where you are; and, where you are going with respect to your financial situation at this very moment; do not be like most people desperately looking for answers when it is too late to create good solutions.

Yes, call me for a FREE evaluation of your financial situation, do not postpone it,

Jesse Alvarado

Monday, August 12, 2013

Never overlook inflation particularly when it comes to designing your retirement

Will your future lifestyle require millions of dollars?

It’s inevitable: the more time passes, the more expensive things get. So, when planning for the future, make sure not to overlook inflation and its impact on the value of your money in the future. 

For example: to have what feels like $1 million today in 30 years, you need to have saved nearly $2.5 million! While that sounds downright depressing--trust me, I sympathize--the bigger point here is to make sure you don’t forget that pesky 3% annual cost of living increase (on average) when you’re calculating your retirement needs.

While you’re at it, consider how much you’ll really need to live the kind of retirement you want to live. Will your future lifestyle require millions? Or could you get by with less?

Let's get your very own situation straight!

Give me a call to set up your FREE financial evaluation, do not postpone it!

Call me right now,

Jesse Alvarado

Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to take it easy when retirement comes


According to a recent survey, 52 percent of the oldest baby boomers have already retired. They have left work behind and begun the next chapter of their lives. But that number also means that almost half of people who are turning 67 this year are still working. And among those who retired, 54 percent did so earlier than they originally planned to, mainly due to health issues and job loss.

Among the baby boomers who are still working, only 39 percent believe they will be able to retire as originally planned. Working boomers have increased their planned retirement age to an average of 71 in 2012, up from 66 in 2008. So, while 65 was a generally accepted target retirement age for earlier generations, you might say that 71 is the new 65 for the eldest baby boomers.

Time to retire? Do you know if you could retire any time you wish? or, Do you think you will have to do so around your 71st birthday? or, Do you believe you will have to work till you drop?

Confront this reality now! Grab the bull by the horns, don't let fear control your life.

Call me for a down to earth FREE consultation about your financial possibilities,

Jesse Alvarado

Friday, August 9, 2013

Extremely important financial plan


Everybody needs one. Before saving, spending, investing or pretty much anything that involves moving money around, start by setting up an emergency fund. In the unfortunate case of a job loss, medical emergency or other personal crisis, you'll want to have the assets necessary to carry your family through to safety.

Generally, the recommended emergency fund is equivalent to six months of income. Establishing an emergency fund first is imperative. When hardships arise, you don't want to be forced to dip into your savings or retirement plan if you have one.

Let's set up an emergency fund for you.

Call me for a FREE evaluation of your very own financial situation. Don't put it off anymore.

Call me right now,

Jesse Alvarado

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Retirement Planning for Late-Starters

It's Never Too Late

Even if you're in your 50s with nothing put away for retirement, there's time to do something. That's especially true if you're still working.

Start Saving 10% Now! Figure out a way of freeing up now a decent chunk of your gross income every month. Put it into some kind of savings. This can include paying down high-interest credit-card debt.

Grab Those Tax Breaks. Put the most you can into tax-deferred accounts, either a 401(k) offered by your employer, or if none is available, an individual retirement account (IRA) that you open yourself at a mutual fund company or brokerage. You save the income tax this year on anything you put into these accounts.

So late in life, experts say you're better off to start investing in low-cost bond mutual funds. Then you can decide on an appropriate conservative allocation between equities and bonds. Just don't gamble on high-risk investments to "make up for lost time."

Use the Magic of Compounding. True, you're not starting retirement savings in your 20s or 30s. But even if you're 10 years or less away from retirement, you hope to live a long time after that. So at least some of your investments will be able to compound their returns for 20 years or more.

So yes, it is never too late to start your retirement plan.

Do you need some help setting it up? Call me for a FREE evaluation of your very own financial situation. Don't postpone it, call me right now.

Jesse Alvarado

Monday, August 5, 2013

Don't underestimate expenses when creating your retirement plan

The thing about retirement is that it's filled with expenses

And they can be thought of as the minimum needed to sustain a standard of living, plus extra for nonrecurring needs and amounts to help meet dreams. What's more, those expenses are likely to change over time.

So, to make your retirement plan work in reality you first have to make it work on paper. You need to compare whether you'll have enough guaranteed income to cover your essential living expenses, including food, housing and health-insurance premiums, at the point of retirement and then compare what amount of income you'll need to cover your discretionary expenses, such as travel and the like (if those are indeed what you might consider discretionary expenses).

No doubt, as you go about the process of matching income to expenses, you might find yourself having to revise your discretionary expenses, especially if there aren't enough guaranteed sources of income to meet essential expenses.

Call me for a FREE evaluation of your financial situation,

Jesse Alvarado

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Debt is one of the biggest threats to a successful financial retirement

How to break the debt cycle and start saving

In addition to focusing on paying down high-interest debt and building an emergency fund (with enough to cover 3 to 6 months of expenses) so you can avoid going into further debt in the event of unexpected expenses, consider that choices you’re making now have a direct impact on your future stability. If you find yourself with a sudden impulse to splurge, pull back and pause to think about the larger picture. If you live below your means now, you won’t have to do it in the future when you may have fewer options (and less income).

Call me for a complete FREE analysis of your financial situation,

Jesse Alvarado

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The old trick for financial success is still valid...

 Save and save and then... save some more...

I know I may sound like a broken record, but more than half of all workers and retirees say they have less than $25,000 in savings, according to a 2011 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. And while we all may have a thousand and one excuses for why we can’t save, the reality is that saving something, anything, is still better than saving nothing. Saving money doesn’t have to be hard if we make it a priority and as automatic as possible. Start with the smallest amount you can put away per week, and try to increase it monthly, or quarterly, as you build a bigger and bigger savings account.

Call me soon to let you know how a particular form of investment can help you grow your savings dramatically using the power of compound interest.

Jesse Alvarado

Friday, August 2, 2013

Do you have Life Insurance? Do you know how it works?


Life insurance is often marketed to high-earning professionals and business owners as a means to put away additional funds for retirement over and above any type of retirement plan they might already have, such as a 401(k).

The pitch is this: buy a policy with underlying investment vehicles that will build cash value over time. The client funds the policy for certain number of years and the growth in the cash value will eventually negate the need for additional premiums. At retirement the client can withdraw cash as a tax-free loan for retirement. The loans never need to be repaid and the only consequence is a reduced death benefit.

Unfortunately, the middle class hardly hears anything on this subject even though they (the middle class) constitute not just a huge market, but also with capabilities of creating plans that can be very creative and efficient for both the insured and the insurer.

This is where I enter the picture to provide you with more information and real answers to your specific issues.

Call me right now, don't postpone it,

Jesse Alvarado
Your WFG Financial Advisor

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Retirement And Your Future

Instead of having a debt with high interests, own an investment with high interests.

Eliminate debt as quickly as possible!

The average U.S. household has more than $15,000 in credit card debt, more than $33,000 in student loan debt, and nearly $150,000 in mortgage debt, according to statistics from One of the most important steps in taking control of your financial life is to solidify a plan to pay down that debt as quickly as possible. It’s imperative to stop acquiring new credit card debt that you’re not paying off each month.

If you’ve already acquired a large amount of credit card debt, pay more than the minimum balances due each month and if you can’t do that, at least make the minimum payments on time. If you’re carrying a large balance with an extremely high interest rate, consider a low APR credit card balance transfer credit card (but read the fine print). If you don’t qualify, consider a debt consolidation loan. Always do your research before opening any new line of credit.

Call me for a FREE financial evaluation of your situation,

Jesse Alvarado